Bitmex Margin Trading Strategy 100x Leverage Tutorial
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One year later we are at the same price haha
Where is the actual 'strategy'?
Hey man, nice vid. Question – when you use the calc and see that you would get a 3% gain, is that 3% on the leveraged amount you were trading with ($5000)? Aka that trade would yield you $150? Thank you for any help!
U should actually try to make money trading not through those affiliate fees. Just sayin' before u start teaching others.
TENCIÓN A TODOS LOS QUE QUIEREN APERTURAR CUENTAS EN BITMEX, Estas son una de las razones que ellos manifiestan por el robo de mi dinero,
Después de que el depósito se acredita, que realizó algunas operaciones que incurrieron en pérdidas.
Además, usted ha pagado tiempos de financiación múltiple en su posición abierta.
Por favor considerar la revisión de su historial comercial / orden.
TODO ESTO ES UNA MENTIRA, yo nunca tuve posiciones abiertas, por el cual se las SOLICITE POR ESCRITO y que tuvieran relación con las fechas de los reclamos entre los días 16/08/2018, y el 17/08/2018
Thanks but.. I tried bitmex, watched many videos and still don't understand how much profit gain you have to make to close the long? You can close any time even the price goes up like 1%?
No shit Sherlock……………
I'm new and still learning…so forgive for asking such stupid question lol…but why is it the higher leverage the lower the cost?
Turn up your volume on the mic. I can barely hear you. Why even release a video when it's this hard to hear?
You will make 3% of the price invested or the amount put in x 3?
"make a huge profit or a huge loss" That doesn;t make sense. Your loss would only be the 1 BTC that you put as margin. So even though it is a terrible idea to use 100x ever, the potential profit is huge but your loss is only limited to your margin size, so it cannot be considered "huge" also.
So if you close an order and the roe says 30% in green that's good right? How come when I closed the order the unrealized has a minus? I dont know what am I doing
you mic sucks
Omnitude ICO ends in 9 hours. If achieves current market cap of VeChain, it can go from ICO 46 cents to $64 – $110. Current market cap $7 million. It will burn unsold tokens today which is 30% right now, only ~100 million tokens in total prior to burn. USC allowed.