
Everything you want to know about Thorchain, FULL EPISODE with Chad Barraford, Technical Lead

Chad Barraford, technical lead at Thorchain, joins Sebastian Moonjava, Real Vision associate crypto editor, to discuss Thorchain, Cosmos, cross-chain swaps and the Rune token. Barraford explains that Cosmos makes it easier to build your own sovereign blockchain with its own validator set that empowers developers to make different types of interesting applications. Similar to Bitcoin from a scripting perspective, Barraford states that Ethereum has a lot of limitations to it, and while he feels that Ethereum has more flexibility than Bitcoin, Cosmos takes it even further. Currently, those who hold digital assets can transfer them only between centralized entities like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, which runs against Barraford’s perspective of the ethos of crypto. Barraford lays out how Thorchain, with its use of Cosmos and the Rune token, tackles this issue head-on, accomplishing something no other chain has been able to achieve. He highlights how the Rune token provides security to the network by ensuring that all of the digital assets being held there cannot be stolen through disincentivizing attempts. Filmed on April 15, 2024.

Key Learnings: While there are many great projects being built on Bitcoin, Barraford believes that there is no project contributing more to Bitcoin and its ethos than Thorchain. As Thorchain is a swapping protocol, it may be viewed initially as a competitor to Uniswap. However, Barraford views Thorchain as a competitor to centralized exchanges. Barraford believes these exchanges are monopolizing asset transfers between isolated chains. Thorchain, on the other hand, is developing a highway between these chains that is secure and completely decentralized.

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Check out the full interview here!:
Thorchain: Decentralized Liquidity Network
The Interview – Crypto · Featuring Chad Barraford and Sebastian Moonjava

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#Thorchain #Cosmos #Bitcoin

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  1. Amazing to see how far these guys have come since this interview. This has the potential to be very disruptive. Hands down one of the most undervalued projects in crypto right now.

  2. Thorchain is revolutionary – The team and project is genius – Chad is super intelligent, but a very lovely guy and obviously down to earth.

  3. Thanks for tuning in for another FULL VIDEO FRIDAY. Be on the lookout for FULL interviews dropping every FRIDAY. Sound off in the comments of who you would like to see next.

    Enjoy the interview!
    RV Crypto

  4. Well I will also say this here… Talking from my own experience as a cryptocurrency trader mostly BITCOIN TRADING as the leading asset, so far I have come to realize that the crypto market is of two sides. As some people will hold and wait for bitcoin to skyrocket so they can sell-off, while others will wait for bitcoin to fall so they can buy at a cheaper rate. However, I see all this worries baseless if they can't yield good profits, my advice still stands on involving in day trading by finding an accurate strategy/daily signals in other to accumulate and grow a very strong portfolio. For me, it's been so successful for over 7 months because I was smart enough to find working daily signals which are being provided by a pro trader known as Mr. James Scott during the first 2 weeks I accumulated and grew my portfolio from 2btc to a total of 8.4btc which you will agree is a very good profit, James can be reach on TEᒪE Gᖇᗩᗰᗰ @grajamesscott

  5. Love Thorchain cos I love freedom.

    Wonder if the lending/borrowing services built on top of Thorchain will compete with the DeFi Aave's or integrate with them….?

  6. Hello @CBarraford great video, I love the Thorchain Project you said in this video that wrapped assets carry additional risk of the bridge, the contract and the defi app, but you plan to add Synthetic Assets to Thorchain , what’s the difference between wrapped assets and Synthetic Assets ??? Don’t Synthetic Assets carry the same risks as wrapped assets ? I like the Thorchain Project , I’m just curious .

  7. I'm very bullish on a number of crypto projects, but this is not one of them. Seems extremely overvalued, I'd expect a strong pullback (i.e. i think the price will continue declining as it has for months now).

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