
blast Simple Gifts



  1. 学校の音楽の授業でビデオを見せられてから何年間もずっと頭から離れない

  2. My band teacher showed us this last school year and the year before that and I fell in love with it

  3. This doesn't capture what it was like to be in the audience and experience this in person. I hope they put this show together again

  4. This is all taken straight out of Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring, especially starting at 3:09. The phrasing and voicing are nearly identical to his original orchestral composition, the only differences really being key signature and instrumentation.

    But I dig this whole production from top to bottom, so it's great stuff either way.

  5. These people appear mentally ill. What are they doing? Do they even know? At some point when this thing opened, the producer must have thought oh man, we've created the most contrived derivative performance art– where"s Annie Sprinkles when you need her?

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