
Rational Optimism Is the Way Out




  1. was constantly getting this feeling like the world was ending ever since the pandemic started, felt like people arent happy anymore, they don't meet anymore, we don't celebrate or have fun and go out anymore, or even look forward to anything in life.
    everything felt like it was withering away and coming to a halt and I got these images of deserted places in my mind and that depressed me so much, like "what's the point of doing anything anymore if no ones there"
    but that's not true, none of it is, everything's starting to go back to normal, if not better there's so much to do in life and so many opportunities, I was just being pessimistic and it dominated my mind in believing that it's true, and its SO easy to be pessimistic about everything, just like an excuse.
    Very important to train your mind to have an optimistic mindset about life.

  2. perils of the lack of knowledge
    Hosea 4:6
    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
    Because you have rejected knowledge,
    I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
    Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
    I also will forget your children.

  3. Naval is wrong, from a certain point of view. Rational Optimism is what is responsible for all the wars and conflicts that we have experienced in the 21st and 20th Century. It is rational pessimism that is the way out for humanity to crawl out of the darkness, from whence it came. We need less optimists and more pessimists that understand how to navigate around the modern world, while not being denigrated by the "optimists" of society.

  4. I am in academia and I can see the corruption in publication process all because a few circles of academics control the publishing process and publish each other's work… utterly disappointing

  5. Beggars can't be choosers. If that's your stance you can only get along with other rational optimists. It's an ideal to strive for, but if aren't edgy you have no voice. Although, optimism is it's own form of edgy I suppose. How dare you sit there and feel optimistic.

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